Essential Commodities Act, 1955

Section 7 1 - Penalties

If any persan cantravenes any arder made under Sectian 3: (a) he shall be punishable: (i) in the case af an arder made with referenceto.cJause(11)ar clause(i) af sub"'-sectian ( (2) af that sectian, with imprisanment far a term which may extend to. ane year , and shall also. be liable to. fine, and di) in the case af any ather arder, with impris'anment far a term which shall nat be less than three months but which may extend to. seven years and shall also. be liable to. fine: ,- -- Pravided that the caurt may. for any adequate and special reasons mentianed in tbe judgement, impase a sentence af imprisanment far a term af less than three manths; (b) any property in respect af which the arder has been cantravened shall be farfeited to. the Gavernment; (c) any package, cavering ar receptacle in which the praperty is faund and any animal, vehicle, vessel ar ather canveyance used in carrying the pro-perty shaH, if the caurt so. ardersbe farfeited to.the Gavernment.